Noisy-le-Sec - Edouard Herriot pool

Piscine à Noisy-le-Sec, Edouard Herriot

Regulations of the swimming pool

The Edouard Herriot pool in Noisy-le-Sec was renovated in 2011 and now has 2 pools:

  • Large pool 25 m x 15 m (2 to 3,50 m depth)
  • Small pool 15 m x 10 m (0,70 to 1,30 m depth)

Shorts and bermudas are prohibited, only bathing trunks are accepted and bathing caps are mandatory.
Children less than 8 years old unaccompanied by an adult are not admitted in the swimming pool and an adult can accompany just 3 children under 10 years old.

This pool might host the swimming athletes to train for the 2024 Olympic Games.

Days and opening hours of the swimming pool in Noisy-le-Sec

The opening hours can be modified in case of strong heat and frequentation.

Open every day:

    Monday: 12h -13h30/ 16h -17h45
    Tuesday: 12pm - 1:45pm / 6:15pm - 8:15pm
    Wednesday: 12:30pm - 4pm
    Thursday: 12h -13h45 / 16h -17h45
    Friday: 7.30am - 9am / 12pm - 1.45pm
    Saturday: 11am - 12:30pm / 2pm - 5pm
    Sunday: 9am -12.15pm

Short vacations

    Monday, Wednesday, Thursday: 12h -18h
    Tuesday: 12pm - 8.15pm
    Friday: Closed
    Saturday: 10h -12h / 14h-18h
    Sunday: 9h -12h15

Summer period

    Monday, Wednesday: 12h-18h
    Tuesday: 1:30-8pm
    Thursday and Saturday: 1.30 pm - 7 pm
    Friday: Closed
    Sunday: 8h30-13h


Piscine Edouard Herriot
59 avenue Gallieni

48.902518 , 2.46768
tel tel : 01 83 74 57 85
Getting there Getting there
TRAMWAY : TRAM T1 Petit Noisy
TRAMWAY : TRAM T1 Pont de Bondy
TRAMWAY : TRAM T1 Auguste Delaune
Vélib' : Simone Signoret - Paris
Piscine Edouard Herriot, 59 avenue Gallieni, 93130 NOISY-LE-SEC
Site par ID-Alizés