The bibliography is gigantic and mostly composed of articles. There are few specific works presenting general recent synthesis. Here is a selection presented under two headings, for a first approach and for in-depth research:
For a first approach :LES DOSSIERS D'ARCHEOLOGIE : Saint-Denis, de sainte Geneviève à Suger , éd. Faton, octobre 2004 (n°297)
Catalogue of the exhibition - Basilique secrète, archaeological Treasures of Saint-Denis
PLAGNIEUX Philippe, La basilique de Saint-Denis , collection Itinéraires du patrimoine. Paris, Ed. du patrimoine 1998, nouvelle édition en 2004.
A good recent synthesis and value for money. Excellent collection.
A.R. BROWN Elisabeth : Saint-Denis, la basilique. Ed. Zodiaque, collection le ciel et la pierre, 2001.
The most recent synthesis. Excellent piece of work.
LES DOSSIERS D'ARCHÉOLOGIE : Saint-Denis, la basilique et le trésor , éd. Faton, mars 2001.
SANTOS Serge et SAUVAGEOT Claude : Saint-Denis, dernière demeure des rois de France. La Pierre-qui-Vire, Ed. Zodiaque, 1999. (réédition 2003).
Exceptional photos and captions on all the recumbent effigies in the Basilica, and a short summary of the general history of the Basilica.
SANTOS Serge et WYSS Michaël : Petite histoire de la basilique royale de Saint-Denis, éditions Sides, Paris 1997.
An original presentation of the history of the Basilica of Saint-Denis for young people. Adults can read it also to brush up quickly on the history of the Basilica.
WYSS Michaël (dir.) : Atlas historique de Saint-Denis des origines au XVIII e siècle. Documents d'archéologie française 59. Paris, éditions de la maison des sciences de l'homme, 1996.
THE reference on the town of Saint-Denis integrating the latest archaeological and historical research.
LENIAUD Jean-Michel : Saint-Denis de 1760 à nos jours. Collection Archives. Paris, Gallimard / Julliard, 1996.
To learn more about the recent history of the Basilica.
BEAUNE Colette : Naissance de la Nation France , éditions Gallimard, Paris 1985.
An essential piece of work with notably a whole chapter on the Basilica.