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Basilica of St Denis

Clementia of Hungary (1923 - 1328)

Clementia of Hungary, daughter of Charles Martel of Anjou - King of Hungary, and second spouse of Louis X of France.

Clementia of Hungary was pregnant with her son John I of France when her husband, Louis X of France, died. She was buried at the Church of the Jacobins. She is considered as a queen. Nevertheless, she does not have a scepter but she is joining hands.

Clemence of Hungary - recumbent -  © SSDT
Clemence of Hungary - recumbent © SSDT

Many other little-known recumbent figures from the Capetian dynasty can be seen in the Cathedral Basilica of Saint-Denis, for example:

Recumbent statue of Queen Constance
Recumbent of Louis, eldest son of Saint Louis
Black stone recumbent of Marie de Brienne
Marble recumbent of Philippe III le Hardi

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