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Basilica of St Denis

Joan II of Navarre (1311-1349)

Joan II of Navarre (1311 † 1349), daughter of Louis X of France and Margaret of Burgundy, Queen of France.

The half-sister of John I of France, the posthumous and first daughter of Louis X of France, had been put aside from the realm if favor of her uncle Philip V of France. Nevertheless, she became Queen of Navarre. Her recumbent effigy shows her wearing a veil specific to widows covering a large part of her face.

Joan of Navarre © Pascal Lemaître - Centre des monuments nationaux.

The recumbent tomb of Jeanne II de Navarre, along with those of many other Capetian monarchs, can be admired in the Cathedral Basilica of Saint-Denis. Some examples of little-known tombs of Capetian sovereigns: Blanche, posthumous daughter of Charles IV; Jeanne d'Évreux, wife of Charles IV; copy of the recumbent tomb of Louis and Philippe d'Alençon; Marguerite, wife of the Count of Flandres, Charles d'Alençon, Philippe de France and Adèle, etc.

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