Visir Paris off the beaten path
Basilica of St Denis

Isabeau of Bavaria (1371-1435)

Isabeau of Bavaria (1371 † 1435), queen of France, wife of Charles VI.

Isabeau of Bavaria was obliged to take part in the kingdom’s politics following her husbands fits of madness. Totally unprepared to fulfill these duties, her actions were a disaster for the country.

The queen’s recumbent statue represents her wearing a wimple with veil. The drapery folds are remarkable.

Recumbent statue of Isabeau of Bavaria © Pascal Lemaître - Centre des monuments nationaux.

Several other Capetian recumbents can be seen at Saint-Denis. During your visit to the Basilica, be sure to admire the tombs and recumbent statues of the members of this princely dynasty of Frankish origin. Some of these are little-known but admirable: Blanche, daughter of Charles IV and Jeanne; Charles d'Anjou; Jeanne II de Navarre; Louis de France and Marguerite d'Artois; Philippe de France, brother of Saint Louis, etc...

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