Péniche Antipode

Péniche AntipodePéniche AntipodePéniche Antipode
The Antipode riverboat, ideal for live performances, is capable of accommodating between 80 and 100 people for a range of business events: cocktail receptions, company meetings, casting sessions, fashion shows, theme evening parties and more...
Number of meeting room Number of meeting room : 1
Total area Total area : 100 m˛
Maximum capacity (seated) Maximum capacity (seated) : 80 persons
Maximum capacity (standing) Maximum capacity (standing) : 100 persons
Specifications of meeting room
Name of meeting room Surface area
in m²
Conference hall Classroom Meeting room U-shaped table banquetting room Cocktail reception
Cocktail reception
Intérieur 100 80 50 50 - 30 - 100
Terrasse 50 - - - - - 50 -
Péniche Antipode
55 quai de la Seine

75019 PARIS
48.888082 , 2.377418
tel tel : 06 50 09 64 75
01 40 03 03 84
fax fax : 01 78 67 43 62
Getting there Getting there
Metro : METRO 7 Riquet
Metro : METRO 7 Crimée
Metro : METRO 5 Laumière
Metro : METRO 5 Ourcq
Metro : METRO 5 Jaurès
Metro : METRO 7 Stalingrad
Vélib' : Place de l'Édit de Nantes
Vélib' : Euryale Dehaynin - Loire
Bus : 60, Flandre ou Crimée
Metro : Ligne 7, Riquet, 5, Laumière
Péniche Antipode, 55 quai de la Seine, 75019 PARIS
Site par ID-Alizés