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Shows and activities for children

Children are front and center in the North East of Paris! Festivals, dance workshops, circus, cooking workshops and many more activities are catered to children. For example, the children’s book fair, the literary festival: Partir en livre or the Festival des Rêveurs éveillés. All these activities are specially designed for the little ones, to capture their delight and whet their interest. And during school holidays even more leisure activities will be made available to them! If you have older children, don't miss the essential activities to do with teenagers in Paris.

Week-end workshops at Philharmonie Paris

From to
Over the week end come alone or with your kids (from 8 years old) at the Paris Philharmonie to participate in a musical initiation class.
Ateliers du week-end à la Philharmonie de Paris - enfants et famille

Learn music at the Philharmonie de Paris

From to - 16:00
Planning to attend a concert this weekend but you need someone to look after your kids? Give them the music fibre by enrolling them in a music lesson at the Philharmonie.
Récréation musicale à la Philharmonie

A la recherche du doudou perdu, show for kids

On - 11:00
It makes more than 20 years that this show lulls toddlers. It is the first show accessible to babies of 1 year old.
A la recherche du doudou perdu, conte pour tout-petits

Name of a little man! A tale for children

On - 11:00
On - 11:00
Embark on a barge to let your mind go on a journey to the imaginary world of the petit bonhomme. Between choreographies and acrobatic figures, you won't see time go past.
Nom d'un petit bonhomme ! Conte pour enfants

Tales for young kids on the Péniche Antipode

On - 11:00
On - 11:00
Shabnam and Lucie offer you to give life to your dreams... on a barge! They will alternately play the role of a baby and his/her desires.
Au berceau des rêves, conte à partir de 2 ans

Children's workshop: discovering the kings and queens of France

On - 14:30
Children will be able to discover in an interactive and amusing way, the Basilica of St Denis, its architecture, its magnificent stained glass windows, the strange recumbent tombs of the kings and...
Atelier enfant : découverte des rois et reines de France

Partir en livre, children's book fair

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Partir en Livre honours reading and books. This event promotes reading and books as a means of gettting away from it all even for children who cannot go on a summer vacation.
Partir en livre, grande fête du livre pour la jeunesse

Children's book fair in Montreuil

From to
Meet exhibitors, authors and illustrators who will be waiting for you in this children's literature adventure. Every yearin Montreuil, workshops are organized as well as meetings with authors for...
Salon du livre de jeunesse 2025 à Montreuil

Disney in concert at the Zenith in Paris

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The world of Disney will be here to meet you with Mickey, Minnie, the Lion king, characters from Toy Story and Némo, who will present the show on ice and the enchanting world of the Snow Queen!
Disney en concert au Zénith de Paris

Cité des bébés from 0 to 2 years

From to
The Cité des bébés in Paris is a space open to baby aged 0 to 2 in the Cité des Sciences. A place dedicated to toddlers with parents for relaxation, meetings between parents, babies, professionals,...
Cité des bébés de 0 à 2 ans

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