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Cité des bébés from 0 to 2 years

Date From to
Cité des bébés de 0 à 2 ans

The Cité des Bébés opens at the Cite des Sciences in Paris la Villette.

After a trial period of over a year, the Cité des Sciences has finally opened a baby area, much to the delight of parents with very young children.

This permanent space is dedicated to the awakening and well-being of the little ones, from infancy to 23 months. It's free for the little ones, and adults have to pay, but you'll need to reserve your place. During your session, you can spend some time in a space dedicated to toddlers; it's soft, joyful and protective. A variety of activities are on offer, including baby-friendly workshops such as storytelling and dramatized readings, as well as special workshops for parents (meetings with professionals, self-service library, etc.).

One time slot, limited to 10 babies aged up to 23 months, and two sessions are offered - either in the morning between 10am and 12pm, or from 2:30pm to 5:30pm from Tuesday to Sunday (closed on Mondays).
To enter, you must remove your shoes and be barefoot for the session! Your phone must be switched off.

1 or 2 parents may accompany baby (admission charge).

Do you have several children? Don't forget the "cité des enfants" for older children (2/7 years or 5/12 years).

Cité des sciences et de l'industrie
30 avenue Corentin Cariou

75019 PARIS
48.8956023 , 2.388068999999973
Getting there Getting there
Metro : METRO 7 Porte de la Villette
Metro : METRO 7 Corentin Cariou
TRAMWAY : TRAM T3b Porte de la Villette
TRAMWAY : TRAM T3b Ella Fitzgerald
TRAMWAY : TRAM T3b Canal Saint-Denis
TRAMWAY : TRAM T3b Delphine Seyrig
Bus : 139, 150, 152
Railway station : Pantin
Metro : Ligne 7, Porte de la Villette
Road : Périphérique, Porte de la Villette.
Tram : T3b
Cité des sciences et de l'industrie, 30 avenue Corentin Cariou, 75019 PARIS Dates when open Dates when open : From Sunday 14th December 2025 to Sunday 31st December 2028

Lundi Fermé
Mardi de 10:00 à 12:00 et de 14:30 à 17:30
Mercredi de 10:00 à 12:00 et de 14:30 à 17:30
Jeudi de 10:00 à 12:00 et de 14:30 à 17:30
Vendredi de 10:00 à 12:00 et de 14:30 à 17:30
Samedi de 10:00 à 12:00 et de 14:30 à 17:30
Dimanche de 10:00 à 12:00 et de 14:30 à 17:30
Rates Gratuit 
sur réservation - gratuit pour les bébés
Tarif de base - Adulte plein tarif 
Maximum age Maximum age : 2 years old
Site par ID-Alizés