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Survival Expo Paris Event Center

Date From to from 09:30 to 18:00
Survival Expo, salon du survivalisme

The Paris Survivalism Fair will be held in 2023 at the Parc Floral de Paris after several years spent at Porte de la Villette.

Discover survival and autonomy products and systems. Survivalism consists in being organized and prepared to an eventual catastrophe which would threat society. Survivalists use ecological methods to live all by themselves. They learn how to get energy, food, water, to treat and defend themselves by producing their own resources.

The Survival Expo covers six themes: survival, outdoor, energy, food, water management, health and security, but also offers special booths, workshops and conventions.

If you want to know everything about surviving in the wilds, buy your ticket here ! 

Find a hotel near the Montreuil for your visit to the Survival Expo.

Parc Floral
26 Route du Champ de Manoeuvre

75012 PARIS
48.8341672 , 2.4464014
tel tel :
Getting there Getting there
Bus : Ligne 112 - Cartoucherie
Metro : Ligne 1 - Chateau de Vincennes
Metro : METRO 1 Château de Vincennes
Vélib' : Champs de Manoeuvre - Cartoucherie
Parc Floral, 26 Route du Champ de Manoeuvre, 75012 PARIS
Site par ID-Alizés