Hoops Factory is an indoor basketball center located in Paris Aubervilliers. The 2,500m2 of this original complex has 6 basketball courts and a lounge area. For corporate and the CE- Work Council committees, Hoops Factory proposes 3 options to develop team spirit and conviviality.
Option 1: Hoops Open hours pack
Buy a time-package and come when you want, this offer will guarantee a regular slot for your employees.
Option 2: Hoops fixed hour slot
Regular slot options are available for companies every day of the week between 12 p.m. to 2 p.m., as well as in the evening after 7 p.m.
Option 3: Hoops Factory Privatization option
The complex Hoops Factory company can be fully or partly privatized for any event of your choice (tournaments, seminars, training, recreational days, farewell cocktails, ...). You have the go-ahead to organize an original and tailor-made event of your choice.