House of Codesign

House of CodesignHouse of CodesignHouse of CodesignHouse of CodesignHouse of Codesign

House of Codesign is a 240m2 space which can be fully privatized by you. Created by experts in co-design, the place allows you to go into collaborative mode to speed up and succeed in every transformation. With this place you can design, test and launch projects differently, based on innovation and collaboration. 


The place is organized around 3 types of spaces: 

- 1 big space with a meeting area and 2 workshop spaces

 - 2 independent workshops spaces

 - a kitchen/ bar with a convivial space to take a break

Feel at home in this ready to use, ajustable and friendly space equipped with all you can ask for (dedicated manager, catering, high tech facilities..). We are also deeply involved in environmental issues, we believe that every little change counts which is why we are working on limiting our waste production, we use no single use plastic and take part in reforestation projects. 

If you need accommodation, this place is in partnership with the MOB Hotel with which we negotiated discounts.

Number of meeting room Number of meeting room : 5
Total area Total area : 240 m²
Maximum capacity (seated) Maximum capacity (seated) : 50 persons
Maximum capacity (standing) Maximum capacity (standing) : 60 persons
Specifications of meeting room
Name of meeting room Surface area
in m²
Conference hall Classroom Meeting room U-shaped table banquetting room Cocktail reception
Cocktail reception
Salle principale (divisible en 4 zones d'atelier) 240 50 35 20 20 60 60 -
House of Codesign
10 rue des Entrepôts

48.9031416 , 2.3464747
tel tel : 0180899850
Getting there Getting there
Metro : Ligne 4; station: Porte de clingnacourt
Metro : METRO 4 Porte de Clignancourt
TRAMWAY : TRAM T3b Porte de Clignancourt
TRAMWAY : TRAM T3b Diane Arbus
Vélib' : Adrien Lesesne - Docteur Bauer
House of Codesign, 10 rue des Entrepôts, 93400 SAINT-OUEN
Site par ID-Alizés