La Bellevilloise - Artistic and cultural center

La Bellevilloise à ParisLa Bellevilloise à ParisLa Bellevilloise à ParisLa Bellevilloise à ParisLa Bellevilloise à ParisLa Bellevilloise à Paris

Concerts, exhibitions, restaurants, clubbing ... an original, artistic and festive venue in Paris in the 20th arrondissement. Founded in 1877 right after the Commune, La Bellevilloise, was the first Parisian cooperative, aimed at giving a political and cultural education to ordinary people. A place of resistance, first in commercial exchanges "from producer to consumer", the beginning of fair trade, a venue for shows, La Bellevilloise played, from 1910 to 1949, a leading role in the economic and cultural life in the east side of Paris.

Since 2005, Renaud Barillet, Fabrice Martinez and Philippe Jupin, a trio of “agitators” from live performing arts, from production and media has reopened for Parisians this place of memory and history of Paris with a major project: to breathe life into the spirit of Bellevilloise again by creating this great independent venue for artistic events for the public, companies and media, unique in Paris.

La Bellevilloise opened the restaurant Dock B in Pantin along canal de l'Ourcq in 2018...

La Bellevilloise
19 rue Boyer

75020 PARIS
48.868141 , 2.392374
tel tel : 01 46 36 07 07
Getting there Getting there
Metro : Ligne 2, Ménilmontant
Metro : METRO 3 Gambetta
Metro : METRO 3bis Gambetta
Metro : METRO 2 Ménilmontant
Metro : METRO 3bis Pelleport
Metro : METRO 3 Père Lachaise
Metro : METRO 2 Père Lachaise
Vélib' : Boyer - Ménilmontant
Vélib' : Sorbier - Ménilmontant
Vélib' : Pyrénées - Ménilmontant
Bus : 26, 61, 69, 96 / Noctilien N16, N34
Metro : Ligne 3, Gambetta sortie Martin Nadaud
La Bellevilloise, 19 rue Boyer, 75020 PARIS
Lundi Fermé
Mardi Fermé
Samedi de 11:00 à 23:00
Dimanche de 11:00 à 23:00
Site par ID-Alizés