Le chinois

Le chinois

This small club is located in Montreuil in the Croix de Chavaux neighbourhood. Le Chinois hosts regular gigs : jazz music, electronic music, punk and rock music, world music...

Le chinois
6 place du Marché

48.8581085 , 2.434179200000017
Getting there Getting there
Metro : Ligne 9, Croix de Chavaux
Vélib' : 31007 - PARIS 1 (MONTREUIL) (17m)
Vélib' : 31008 - VINCENNES (MONTREUIL) (24m)
Vélib' : 31013 - CENTENAIRE (MONTREUIL) (50m)
Le chinois, 6 place du Marché, 93100 MONTREUIL
Site par ID-Alizés