Bondy - Michel Beaufort pool

Piscine de Bondy - Michel Beaufort

Regulations and pools Bondy

The Michel Beaufort swimming pool of Bondy offers:

  • A large pool of 25 x 12.5 m
  • A small pool of 6 x 12.5 m

Several water activities are practiced there: swimming, synchronized swimming, water polo.

Bathing cap is mandatory, shorts or Bermuda are prohibited: bathing suits are mandatory. Presence of an adult is needed for children under 10 years of age.

Days and opening hours of Michel Beaufort swimming pool in Bondy

Opening summer vacations

The Bondy - Michel Beaufort swimming pool is closed during summer. The Tournesol pool is open during the summer.

During school year

  • Monday: 12 am - 1:15 pm. and 5 pm. - 6:45 pm.
  • Tuesday: 12 am - 1:15 pm.
  • Wednesday : Closed
  • Thursday:  12 am -1:15 pm.
  • Friday: 12 am - 1:15 pm.  and 5 pm. - 8 pm.
  • Saturday: 9:15 am. - 12:00 am.
  • Sunday: 8:30 am. – 12:30 pm.

During school holidays

  • Monday: 12 am - 6:30 pm.
  • Tuesday to Thursday: 12 am - 5:30 pm.
  • Friday: 12 am - 8 pm.
  • Saturday: 9 am. - 12:00 am. and 2:15 pm. - 5:30 pm.
  • Sunday: 8:30 am. - 12:30 pm.

Take a look at the other pool located near Paris: the Parc pool in Blanc-Mesnil and the Fernand Blanluet pool in Le Pré-saint-Gervais.

Piscine Michel Beaufort
207 avenue Gallieni

93140 BONDY
48.907126 , 2.488938
tel tel : 01 48 47 19 04
Getting there Getting there
TRAMWAY : TRAM T1 Pont de Bondy
Piscine Michel Beaufort, 207 avenue Gallieni, 93140 BONDY
Site par ID-Alizés