Hipotel Paris Buttes Chaumont Pyrénées


Mid-range etoileetoileetoile

Hipotel Paris Buttes Chaumont PyrénéesHipotel Paris Buttes Chaumont PyrénéesHipotel Paris Buttes Chaumont Pyrénées

Thehipotel Paris Buttes Chaumont Pyrénées is an accommodation located in the east of Paris in the 20th arrondissement, not far from the Parc des Buttes-Chaumont.

The hotel is close to the Belleville, Ménilmontant and Gambetta districts. Located on line 11 of the Paris metro, at the Pyrénées station, it's easy to get to the center of Paris (Châtelet) or Les Lilas from the hotel.

Comfortable rooms with TV and telephone, bathroom with shower and hairdryer. Free Wi-Fi connection.

Breakfast available at extra charge. 24-hour reception. Room service. Luggage storage.

Hipotel Paris Buttes Chaumont Pyrénées
7 rue Jean Baptiste Dumay

75020 PARIS
48.874178 , 2.38782
tel tel : 01 46 36 64 22
fax fax : 01 46 36 01 11
Getting there Getting there
Metro : METRO 11 Jourdain
Metro : METRO 11 Pyrénées
Metro : METRO 11 Place des Fêtes
Metro : METRO 7bis Place des Fêtes
Metro : METRO 7bis Botzaris
Metro : METRO 7bis Buttes-Chaumont
Vélib' : Jourdain - Place des Grandes Rigoles
Vélib' : Belleville - Pyrénées
Vélib' : Lassus - Delouvain
Metro : Ligne 11, Pyrénées
Hipotel Paris Buttes Chaumont Pyrénées, 7 rue Jean Baptiste Dumay, 75020 PARIS


Bedrooms 32 bedrooms

Rates Undisclosed rate
Amenities in rooms Amenities in rooms : Telephone, Television, Wifi, Hair dryer, Non-smoking rooms
Facilities Facilities : Lift
Services Services : Continental breakfast
Groups catered for Groups catered for

FAQ about Hipotel Paris Buttes Chaumont Belleville

Does Hotel Hipotel Paris Buttes Chaumont Belleville provide an internet connexion?

Yes, Wi-fi is available in all rooms.

Is there an elevator in Hipotel Paris 75020 Buttes Chaumont Pyrénées?

Yes, there is an elevator.


Parc des Buttes-ChaumontParc des Buttes-Chaumont
 733 m (9 min)
Site par ID-Alizés