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Documentary films encounters in Montreuil

Date From to
Festival du film de Montreuil

Les rencontres du cinéma documentaire de Montreuil takes place every year at Cinéma Le Méliès. Numerous films and previews are screened during the festival. Meetings with documentary filmmakers and actors are also part of the program.

The films presented are montage films, made from pre-existing images such as home movies, photographs, Internet publications...). Discover documentary films, podcasts, workshops and debates, as well as the very short films selected as part of the call for films.

Competition films for teens and adults, and a program for kids! A guest of honor (several screenings are scheduled).

Screenings of foreign films supported by Aide aux Cinémas du Monde, never before seen in France!

Seine-Saint-Denis and the 7th art

Stay connected to our pages on the history of cinema, and the festival Côté Court at Pantin

Cinéma Le Méliès
Place Jean Jaurès

48.86203661026425 , 2.4427985687866682
tel tel : 01 48 58 90 13
Getting there Getting there
Metro : METRO 9 Mairie de Montreuil
Vélib' : Lucie Aubrac - Franklin
Vélib' : Mairie de Montreuil
Bus : 102, 115, 121, 122, 125, 127, 129, 229,
Metro : Ligne 9, Mairie de Montreuil
Cinéma Le Méliès, Place Jean Jaurès, 93100 MONTREUIL
Rates Tarif de base - Adulte plein tarif  : 4 €
tarif unique
Site par ID-Alizés