Espace Chapiteaux - La Villette

Espace Chapiteaux - La VilletteEspace Chapiteaux - La Villette

The marquee in Parc de la Villette was designed in 1990. It is one of the first marquees located in Ile de France, which is entirely dedicated to the practice and representation of contemporary circus arts. Since then it has given rise to many resident and touring circus companies actively supporting them.

The marquee in Parc de la Villette plays a major role in preserving cultural and artistic circus arts revealing and promoting performances and innovations to a vast public. It regularly encourages larges companies such as Cirque Plume or Archaos that were among the first companies to be promoted in that place. It also welcomes circus festivals every year .

Designed like a real circus tent, the place is equipped to stage and promote an ensemble of all forms of circus art. The 4200m² of space make it possible to welcome a large audience.

A restaurant bar area is located at the marquee entrance for visitors. In 2013, la Villette built the Chapithotel, to lodge circus companies in residence or simply on tour.

Espace Chapiteaux - La Villette
Quai de la Charente

75019 PARIS
48.8935767352184 , 2.38626234445803
Getting there Getting there
Metro : Ligne 7, Corentin Cariou
Metro : Ligne 5, Porte de Pantin
Metro : METRO 7 Corentin Cariou
Metro : METRO 7 Porte de la Villette
Metro : METRO 5 Porte de Pantin
Metro : METRO 7 Crimée
Metro : METRO 5 Ourcq
Tram : T3b, Porte de la Villette
TRAMWAY : TRAM T3b Porte de la Villette
TRAMWAY : TRAM T3b Canal Saint-Denis
Vélib' : Place Paul Delouvrier
Espace Chapiteaux - La Villette, Quai de la Charente, 75019 PARIS
Site par ID-Alizés