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Rosny-sous-Bois is visited for its heritage, particularly for its history museum and for "Rosny-Railway". It also was home to "Bison Futé" (traffic information center) until 2016.

In 1163 the name Rosny (Rodoniacum land belonging to Rodenius) appeared for the first time in a Papal Bull of Pope Alexander III”. The church with the village around it belonged to the Abbey of Sainte-Genevieve, with its small, medium and high court. But urban agglomeration is probably older. At the time of the second Norman invasions in 861, Religious followers fled from Paris with the expulsion of St. Genevieve and on the way back stopped at Rosny. Thanks to archaeological excavations undertaken in 1987, it was revealed that at the Merovingian period (VI-VII century),  there was already a church and a cemetery. In 1179, the inhabitants objected to being serfs of the abbey. Thus began a long trial that ended in 1224.

Rosny, a small village in Ile-de-France remained a long time faithful to its gardening traditions. Between the two wars, urbanization progressed rapidly to the detriment of farming. From 1960 on, urbanization increased with the appearance of many buildings on the outskirts, which led to a significant increase in population.

What to see in Rosny?

The municipal history museum,  located in a stylish mansion from  the early twentieth century, has gathered several hundred objects and documents tracing the history of the city from the Middle Ages to contemporary times. Medieval archaeology, the life of market gardeners,  life during and after the Old regime and the room dedicated to the memories of the Zouave regiments.

Rosny-Rail, a railway centre initiative in Ile-de-France was inaugurated in 1997. It recounts the history of the train, its past, its position in the economy and its future perspectives. The Technical Centre of the National Gendarmerie, established from 1921 in the Fort de Rosny, was replaced by the National Road Information Centre; better known as Bison Futé. Annually, it deals with 250 000 information facts on road conditions, analyzed and disseminated quickly to the satisfaction of users.

Rosny Tourist information and around the city

If you are going to stay in Rosny, check out our hotel list and addresses located close to the city and the page dedicated to restaurants in Rosny. The official website of the city will give you more practical information. For shopping,  go to the Rosny 2 shopping center, it is one of the most important centers in the Ile-de-France. Close to Rosny do not miss out on the museums located in Seine-Saint-Denis or our selection of guided tours close to Paris.

June 2024 - line 11 of the Paris metro is extended to the Rosny 2 shopping center (Westfield)  via the Rosny-Bois Périer station, which it shares with the RER E. This interconnection means you can extend your journey.

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