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EDF Aqua Challenge swim race

Date On - 09:00
EDF Aqua Challenge - course de natation à Paris

The EDF aqua Challenge is a swimming race in La Villette open to all swimmers. It was done for the first time in 2016 by the French Swim Federation to welcome back home the water French team from the Rio Olympic's and to support the application of Paris to the organisation of the 2024 Olympic Games.

The different steps of the EDF Aqua Challenge

Several lengths are proposed: 1250m; 2500m and 5000m. The 2500m and 5000m races are some trials of the French Cup.

All the participants who finish the race will win a swimming hat and a tee-shirt.

To enroll in the EDF Aqua Challenge

Registrations for the EDF Aqua Challenge swimming race have to be done on site on Friday 15th  from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm and Saturday 16th from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm

The price for unlicenced swimmers includes the licence of the French Swim Federation. A medical certificat is compulsory.

You can come and support the swimmers and watch some water-polo and synchronised swimming demonstrations.

This summer don't miss the festival Ete du Canal which has many activities and outings ideas for you and your family while enjoying the sun on the banks of  Parisian canals.

EDF Aqua Challenge
Quai de la Loire

75019 PARIS
48.88538639999999 , 2.3748238000000583
Getting there Getting there
Metro : Ligne 5, Jaurès ou Stalingrad
Metro : METRO 5 Laumière
Metro : METRO 7 Riquet
Metro : METRO 5 Jaurès
Metro : METRO 7 Stalingrad
Metro : METRO 7bis Jaurès
Metro : METRO 7bis Bolivar
Metro : METRO 2 Jaurès
Metro : METRO 5 Stalingrad
Metro : METRO 7 Crimée
Metro : METRO 2 Stalingrad
Vélib' : Seine - Flandre
Vélib' : Euryale Dehaynin - Loire
Vélib' : Melun - Jean Jaurès
EDF Aqua Challenge, Quai de la Loire, 75019 PARIS
Site par ID-Alizés