EDF Aqua Challenge is a swimming race in the Seine in Paris. It's open to all! (registration required).
New for 2025: the Paris leg will take place in the Seine at Bras Grenelle. More precisely, on the future summer swimming area... between the Port de Grenelle and the banks of the Ile aux Cygnes - in the 15th arrondissement of Paris (between the Pont Bir-Hakeim and the Pont de Rouelle).
Initially (before 2024) it was swum in the Bassin de La Villette. This swimming event was offered for the first time in 2016 in the wake of the French open water team's return from Rio for the Olympic Games and to support Paris' bid for the 2024 Olympics.
This Open Water swimming event is organized by the French Swimming Federation.
Several distances are proposed: 1250 m, 2500 m and 5000 m. The 2500 m and 5000 m races are stages in the French Cup.
Saturday, July 26, 2025 - village opens 8am-12pm (times to be confirmed for 2025):
Chip and cap collection is recommended on Friday, July 25 on site (attention 2024 information - Pending confirmation for 2025).
All participants who finish the race will win a swimming cap and a T-shirt.
The village is located at - awaiting the address of this new location.
Registration for the EDF Aqua Challenge swim race
The fee for non-members includes the Fédération Française de Natation summer license. Medical certificate required.
Water polo and synchronized swimming demonstrations. To cheer on the swimmers, you can take the metro to the pool, or cycle along the river banks.
This summer, you can also swim in the Bassin de La Villette. Take advantage of your visit to the Bassin de La Villette to have a drink or a bite to eat on a terrace.
This summer don't miss the festival Ete du Canal which has many activities and outings ideas for you and your family while enjoying the sun on the banks of Parisian canals.