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Bathing and swimming in Bassin de La Villette

swimming in Paris Bassin de La Villette

La Baignade de La Villette will open its doors to you from Saturday July 27 to Sunday September 8, 2024. You can enjoy this swimming area in the heart of Paris in the La Villette basin all summer long!

4 bathing pool zones in Paris

Opening hours: from July to August 2024, the bathing area remains open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. free of charge. the Paris Plages Bassin de La Villette.

Please note: The water is analyzed daily. If its quality is not sufficient, the pool is closed for swimming.

Free admission. Changing rooms, showers, facilities, deckchairs and parasols are provided.

This supervised bathing zone measuring 90 meters long and 16 meters wide features 4 pools of different sizes and depths all connected together and located at Quai de Loire downstream from the footbridge ‘Passerelle de la Moselle'.

  • 2 fun-filled 40cm bathing pool for children
  • 1small pool with maximum 120 cm deep,
  • 1 large pool dedicated only for expert swimmers with a maximal depth of 2 m.

Unauthorized swimming is prohibited

Unsupervised swimming is dangerous... and prohibited. Currents, aquatic plants, boats... all those things are dangers and can lead to serious injuries and drowning. It is, of course, forbidden to jump from bridges and walkways that span the canals (Seine, Ourcq).

Only the authorized areas during Paris Plage are accessible for swimming under supervision. Pools are secured, supervised and the water quality is tested. It is necessary to respect the recommendations in the current sanitary context (gauge, distance, etc).

Water quality under close surveillance

Water in Canal de l'Ourcq has been under close surveillance for several years and now presents a good bacteriological quality to allow for swimming. The quality control survey station in Pantin gives regular information about the quality of the water and Canal de l’Ourcq. The water quality control is maintained and if it is disturbed, people will be prohibited from swimming.

Water quality measurement tests have been carried out for 5 years and show that the water quality continues to improve. The water in the La Villette basin is checked 2 to 4 times a day.

A high demand for bathing areas in the city

This swimming project in Paris generated from a strong increasing demand by Parisians and visitors. After several spontaneous events (despite the bathing prohibition) and others organized, the project was studied. For security reasons and to meet this demand, the supervised bathing project has been launched.

Paris A La Nage (Open swim stars) which takes place on June 17 and 18, 2023 allows swimmers to embark on a race in the Canal de l'Ourcq to reach the Bassin de la Villette in Paris. The Swim your Canal event will be held in the Canal de l'Ourcq, the dates will be announced very soon. Apart from these events, it is forbidden to swim in the canals.

Other projects of bathing places in Paris

It is now possible to swim in Saint Martin Canal on Sundays in the summer. Other Parisian bathing places should see the light of day in the years to come. These projects are part of the "Swimming in Paris" plan. Maybe we will be able to swim in the Seine by 2024!

Check out more water based activities

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