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Java Art Energy

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Java Art Energy

The Institute des Cultures d’Islam will give an exhibition on contemporary art originating from the Ile de Java, the artistic centre of the Indonesian archipelago. This collective exhibition is the most important exhibition on Indonesian contemporary art on display in Paris, some of the works of art have never been shown before in Europe.

The artists chosen show through their artworks a contrasting image of the island under a multiple of different influences, between the rise of a radical Islam, the heritage of Dutch colonization and the anti-communist and anti-Chinese massacres of 1965.

List of artists: Yovista Ahtajida, Maryanto, Muhammad Zico Albaiquni,  Eko Nugroho, Gudxskul (Ruangrupa+ Serrum + Grafis Huru Hara), Agung "Agugn" Prabowo, Saleh Hussein, Adhya Ranadireksa, Soni Irawan, Eddy Susanto, Mella Jaarsma, Muhammad Ucup Yusuf, Maharani Mancanagara.

Shows and activities will take place around  the exhibition: theatre  shadows, storytelling, DJ sets electro, dance, traditional martial arts, artistic workshops, projections, conferences, entertainment for children...

Book your visit of the cosmopolitan quarters

Institut des Cultures d'Islam
19 rue Léon

75018 PARIS
48.8878926 , 2.353385200000048
tel tel : 01 53 09 99 84
Getting there Getting there
Metro : METRO 4 Château Rouge
Metro : METRO 12 Marcadet-Poissonniers
Metro : METRO 4 Marcadet-Poissonniers
Metro : METRO 2 Barbès-Rochechouart
Metro : METRO 12 Marx Dormoy
Metro : METRO 4 Barbès-Rochechouart
Metro : METRO 2 La Chapelle
RER (Regional rapid transit) : RER D Gare du Nord
RER (Regional rapid transit) : RER B Gare du Nord
Vélib' : Léon - Doudeauville
Vélib' : Square Léon
Vélib' : Stephenson - Doudeauville
Metro : Ligne 12, Marx-Dormoy
Metro : Ligne 4, Chateau Rouge ou Marcadet-Poissonniers
Institut des Cultures d'Islam, 19 rue Léon, 75018 PARIS
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Site par ID-Alizés