Lecuyer market

Marché Lecuyer

Lecuyer market is located in the heart of Paris St Ouen flea market, the biggest market in Paris. Lecuyer market is reserved for professionals who trade in large quantity for export activities. This market, just like L’Usine, the other professional market in Saint-Ouen flea market, is not for the general public. Unlike Paul-Bert Serpette, Dauphine or Vernaison, Lecuyer market is closed on weekends and open on weekdays.

Opening hours : from Monday to Friday, 10:30 AM to 5:30 PM.

27 rue Lecuyer

48.9017572 , 2.336772500000052
Getting there Getting there
Vélib' : 34003 - CURIE (SAINT OUEN) (12m)
Vélib' : 18035 - PORTE MONTMARTRE (29m)
Vélib' : 34007 - ROSIERS (SAINT OUEN) (40m)
Vélib' : 34004 - VOLTAIRE (SAINT OUEN) (41m)
Vélib' : 34002 - PERI (SAINT OUEN) (47m)
Lecuyer, 27 rue Lecuyer, 93400 SAINT-OUEN
Site par ID-Alizés