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Lucinda Childs/Sol Lewitt

Date From to

Thaddaeus Ropac Gallery Paris Pantin proposes an exhibition on the collaboration between the choreographer Lucinda Childs and the artist Sol Lewitt for Dance (1979). The two artists shared their interest in this choreographic piece for drawing, time series and movement. Lewitt created a particular film arrangement for this work..

The exhibition which was created from the personal archives of the choreographer features all correspondance between Lucinda and Sol Lewitt as well as the exchange of the rough sketches of their work and the graphic creation by Lucinda Childs.

Vernissage – September 23rd from 7:00pm to 9:00 p.m.

This exhibition is proposed as part of the retrospective Lucinda Childs, Nothing personal at the CND Pantin

Book for a visit of Ropac Gallery

Take advantage of your visit to the Ropac Gallery to see the exhibition dedicated to the pop art-artist James Rosenquist.

Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac
69 avenue du Général Leclerc

93500 PANTIN
48.8995364 , 2.4077703000000383
tel tel : 33 (0)1 55 89 01 10
Getting there Getting there
Bus : 151, Delizy
Bus : 249, Delizy
RER (Regional rapid transit) : E, Pantin
Vélib' : 35006 - DELIZY (PANTIN) (33m)
Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, 69 avenue du Général Leclerc, 93500 PANTIN
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