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Dream & Fly: The Ehrlich brothers in Paris

Date On from 20:00 to 23:00
Dream & Fly - Ehrlich Brothers à Paris

Dream & Fly is a great magic show proposed by the Ehrlich Brothers in the Paris Zenith.

Dream & Fly is the last great show conceived by the two germans Andreas and Chris Ehrlich. They will make you tremble and jump with their unexpected new tricks. Open your eyes and let yourself charmed by this big show of many suprises (live group, Lamborghini...)

Hotels close to the Zenith

Rent a room in a hotel around La Villette if you wish to stay next to the venue. Otherwise you can book an accommodation next to the line 5 of the metro to have an easy access to the Parisian Zenith.

You can book your tickets - EHRLICH Brothers

Zénith de Paris
211 avenue Jean-Jaurès

75019 PARIS
48.8938890688813 , 2.3933376587219755
tel tel : 0 892 68 36 22
01 44 52 54 56
fax fax : 01 42 49 84 77
Getting there Getting there
Metro : METRO 5 Porte de Pantin
Metro : METRO 7 Porte de la Villette
Metro : METRO 5 Hoche
RER (Regional rapid transit) : RER E Pantin
TRAMWAY : TRAM T3b Delphine Seyrig
TRAMWAY : TRAM T3b Ella Fitzgerald
TRAMWAY : TRAM T3b Porte de Pantin
TRAMWAY : TRAM T3b Porte de la Villette
Bus : 75, 145, 151, 684, PC2, PC3, Pte de Pantin
Metro : Ligne 5, Porte de Pantin
Road : Périph, Porte de Pantin
Tram : T3b, Porte de Pantin
Zénith de Paris, 211 avenue Jean-Jaurès, 75019 PARIS
Site par ID-Alizés