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Exhibition on Belle Époque celebrities

Date From to

The temporary exhibition “Celebrities from the Belle Epoque, by Clemenceau to Verlaine” will be held on Sundays in 2016 at the museum Eugène Carrière at Gournay-sur-Marne. It will showcase  works by Eugène Carrière, Pierre-Antoine Gallien, Frédéric-Auguste Cazals, Sotero Cosme, René Lalique. The exhibition presents the portraits of different personalities from the 1900s, mainly painted by Eugène Carrière at the turn of the century. It broaches all the various fields of intellectual life with, in the background,  the Universal exhibition in Paris and the Dreyfus affair.

For this temporary exhibition, Eugène Carrière museum benefits from courtesy loan collections on behalf of the Petit Palais, Clemenceau museum in Paris, Museum des Avelines at Saint-Cloud, Tavet museum in Pontoise, Geographical Society of Paris and its private collections, as well as  cooperation of the descendants of Eugène Carrière, Ernest Chausson and Victor Hugo.

Exhibition curator : Sylvie Le Gratiet, assisted by Huguette Haubensack, Martine Rivollier, Claudine Clabaut, Christian Baltauss.

Graphic chart Conception: Patrice Guizon

Photo: Eugène Carrière, Portrait de Georges Picquart, 1902, oil painting canvas

Musée Eugène Carrière
5 rue Ernest Pêcheux

48.8641123 , 2.5791655000000446
tel tel : 01 43 05 37 34
Getting there Getting there
RER (Regional rapid transit) : RER E Chelles-Gournay
TRAIN : TRAIN P Chelles-Gournay
Motorway : A4, sortie Champs-sur-Marne.suivre l'itinéraire vert en direction Chelles
Bus : 213, 312, Place de l'Eglise
Railway station : Chelles-Gournay
RER (Regional rapid transit) : RER E Chelles-Gournay
Musée Eugène Carrière, 5 rue Ernest Pêcheux, 93460 GOURNAY-SUR-MARNE
Rates Tarif de base - Adulte plein tarif  : 6 €
Site par ID-Alizés