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Petits jeux de mains, show for kids from 2 years old

Dates On - 11:00
On - 11:00
On - 11:00
On - 11:00
Petits jeux de mains, théâtre pour enfants dès 2 ans

This theater of objects show for children takes place on the Antipode barge, moored at the Bassin de la Villette in Paris 19e.

These two hands decide to do as they please and go on an adventure. Lila discovers that her hands don't always do what she wants, so she has to watch them closely. Méli and Mélo, Lila's two hands, love each other, but they can also confront each other in a boxing match. In this story, the imagination and the humor moove the parents and give the children a new and fun way of looking at their hands.

40 minutes show for children from 2 to 6 years old.

Abricadabra Péniche Antipode
55 quai de la Seine

75019 PARIS
48.887175 , 2.3749483
tel tel : 01 42 03 39 07 (10h à 19h du lundi au vendredi sinon répondeur)
Getting there Getting there
Metro : METRO 7 Riquet
Metro : METRO 5 Laumière
Metro : METRO 7 Crimée
Metro : METRO 7 Stalingrad
Metro : METRO 5 Jaurès
Metro : METRO 7bis Jaurès
Metro : METRO 5 Stalingrad
Metro : METRO 2 Jaurès
Metro : METRO 7bis Bolivar
Metro : METRO 2 Stalingrad
Vélib' : Seine - Flandre
Vélib' : Flandre - Riquet
Vélib' : Euryale Dehaynin - Loire
Bus : 60, Porte de Montmartre-Gambetta.
Metro : Ligne 2, Jaurès
Metro : Ligne 5, Jaurès
Metro : Ligne 7, RiquetSortie Rue de Flandre
Road : Sortie porte de la Villette.
Abricadabra Péniche Antipode, 55 quai de la Seine, 75019 PARIS
Rates Tarif de base - Adulte plein tarif  : 10 €
Tarif enfant  : 8 €
From From : 2 years old
Maximum age Maximum age : 6 years old
Site par ID-Alizés