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Grünt Festival

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Grünt Festival

The 2024 edition of the Grünt Hip Hop Festival takes place outdoors in Bobigny's Parc de la Bergère on September 20 and 21.

The Grünt Festival spotlights emerging indie Hip Hop artists. Grünt is a YouTube channel that offers programs on hip-hop, mostly French-speaking, and brings together rappers for freestyles, discussions and interviews.

Grünt Festival 2024 Line-up

Regular artists and up-and-coming rappers such as Isha and Limsa d'Aulnay, BEN plg, Zinée, BabySolo33 and winnterzuko will be performing on the Grünt Festival stage. The Grünt Festival is also keen to introduce audiences to new rap artists such as Douze Déluge, Baby Neelou, Heloïm and Ptite Sœur.

Line-up Friday September 20: BabySolo33, Baby Neelou, BEN plg, DEELEE S, Douze Déluge, EDGE, NeS, winnterzuko, Zinée...

Grünt program Saturday September 21: ADVM, Heloïm, Huntrill, ISHA x Limsa, Jäde, Keroué, LEDOUBLE, Ptite Soeur, Sublime [Live.001]...

Grünt Festival prices

Grünt Festival prices range from 85 euros for a 2-day pass to 95 euros for a 2-day pass + t-shirt.

Grünt Festival box office

Doors open at 4pm. This event is reserved for people over 16.

Find out more about music festivals in Paris in September and hip-hop concerts in the Paris region.

Ticket Grunt Festival - Fnac

Parc départemental de la Bergère
Chemin latéral de l'avenue Paul Vaillant-Couturier

48.90337607764052 , 2.4573001178466836
tel tel : 01 43 93 78 95
Getting there Getting there
Metro : METRO 5 Bobigny Pablo Picasso
TRAMWAY : TRAM T1 Auguste Delaune
TRAMWAY : TRAM T1 Jean Rostand
TRAMWAY : TRAM T1 Bobigny Pablo Picasso
TRAMWAY : TRAM T1 Petit Noisy
Motorway : A86 Sortie Bobigny centre
Bus : 134, 234, 615, 148, 322
Metro : Ligne 5, Bobigny Préfecture
Tram : 1, arrêt Bobigny - Picasso
Parc départemental de la Bergčre, Chemin latéral de l'avenue Paul Vaillant-Couturier, 93000 BOBIGNY
Rates Pass 2 jours  : From 85 € to 95 €
Site par ID-Alizés