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Free concerts at the Basilica of Saint-Denis

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Concerts gratuits à la Basilique Saint-Denis - 2024Concerts gratuits à la Basilique Saint-Denis - 2024

The large organ at the Basilica in Saint-Denis is ready to welcome you to attend a free concert in the medieval nave dating from the 13th century. This will be an exceptional occasion to listen to the Basilica’s magnificent great classic organ.

These free concerts will be held every Sunday from March to November.

Opening hours: 5 pm to 6 pm. Free classical music concerts no reservation needed.

  • April 1: Sarah Kim titular organist at the Temple de l'Oratoire du Louvre in Paris
  • May 12: Jean-Baptiste Monnot titular organist, Saint-Ouen Abbey, Rouen, France
  • July 7: Vincent Thévenaz titular organist, Geneva Cathedral (Switzerland)
  • September 21: Andrea Macinanti organ professor at the Bologna Conservatory (Italy) during the 2024 Heritage Days at Saint-Denis
  • October 6: Quentin Guérillot titular organist at Saint-Denis Cathedral Basilica
  • October 20: Pierluigi Mazzoni titular organist at Monopoli Cathedral (Italy)
  • November 3: Levente Kuzma organ professor at Szeged University (Hungary)

For more information, click here exhibitions and events in the Basilica.

Amateur fans of classical music will also appreciate the Saint Denis concert festival and other classical music events in Paris and in Seine-Saint-Denis.

Basilique cathédrale de Saint-Denis
1 rue de la Légion d'Honneur

48.935482 , 2.3587
tel tel : 01 49 21 14 87
Getting there Getting there
Motorway : A86 sortie 10 Aubervilliers
Metro : METRO 13 Basilique de Saint-Denis
Metro : METRO 13 Saint-Denis - Porte de Paris
TRAMWAY : TRAM T1 Basilique de Saint-Denis
TRAMWAY : TRAM T1 Cimetière de Saint-Denis
TRAMWAY : TRAM T1 Marché de Saint-Denis
TRAMWAY : TRAM T5 Marché de Saint-Denis
TRAMWAY : TRAM T8 Pierre De Geyter
TRAMWAY : TRAM T8 Saint-Denis - Porte de Paris
TRAMWAY : TRAM T1 Théâtre Gérard Philipe
Vélib' : Basilique
Motorway : A1 sortie 3 Saint-Denis centre-ville
Metro : Ligne 13, Basilique Saint-Denis
Tram : T1, arrêt Saint-Denis Basilique
Basilique cathédrale de Saint-Denis, 1 rue de la Légion d'Honneur, 93200 SAINT-DENIS
Rates Gratuit 
Site par ID-Alizés