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Sabaton and Baby Metal at the Zenith in Paris

Date On - 19:30
Sabaton et Baby Metal au Zénith de Paris

Sabaton's The Great Tour stopped at the Zenith in Paris in 2020 and they played to a full house. The band SABATON is back in 2023 and will play songs from their latest album "The War To End All Wars" which is about the first world war. No doubt that there will be sound and that the walls will shake.

The first part will be provided by BABY METAL.

Anticipate your arrival in Paris for the Sabaton concert and book a hotel near the Zenith Paris now.

Buy my ticket - SABATON Paris Zenith

Zénith de Paris
211 avenue Jean-Jaurès

75019 PARIS
48.88909229999999 , 2.3944320000000516
tel tel : 01 44 52 54 56
0 892 68 36 22
fax fax : 01 42 49 84 77
Getting there Getting there
Metro : METRO 5 Porte de Pantin
Metro : METRO 5 Hoche
Metro : METRO 5 Ourcq
TRAMWAY : TRAM T3b Porte de Pantin
TRAMWAY : TRAM T3b Butte du Chapeau Rouge
TRAMWAY : TRAM T3b Delphine Seyrig
Vélib' : Porte de Pantin.
Vélib' : Parc des Nations
Vélib' : Cité de la Musique
Bus : 75, 145, 151, 684, PC2, PC3, Pte de Pantin
Metro : Ligne 5, Porte de Pantin
Road : Périph, Porte de Pantin
Tram : T3b, Porte de Pantin
Zénith de Paris, 211 avenue Jean-Jaurès, 75019 PARIS
Site par ID-Alizés