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Baisakhi Sikh Festival in Bobigny

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Vasakhi, fête sikhe à BobignyVasakhi, fête sikhe à BobignyVasakhi, fête sikhe à BobignyVasakhi, fête sikhe à Bobigny

The festival of Vasakhi, or Vaisakhi, is an essential date in the Sikh calendar. It celebrates the birth of the Khalsa order founded on April 14, 1699 by Guru Gobind Singh who institutionalized a uniform according to the rule of the 5 Ks. These 5 Ks are the sacred attributes that the initiated Sikhs must wear permanently.

  • The hair called Kesh which must never be cut and is covered by a turban.
  • The dagger, called Kirpan.
  • The wooden comb, called Kangha.
  • The bracelet, called Kara.
  • The long underwear called Kechera.

This religious festival takes place every year in April. It consists of a parade through Bobigny, starting from the Gurdwara Singh Sabha temple. Demonstrations of the Sikh martial art, Gatka, are offered as well as a free meal. This Sikh celebration gathers about 4000 people every year.

The Nagar Kirtan procession will start on Sunday, April 16, 2023 at 11am from the Sikh temple and will march through the streets of Bobigny until 6pm.

Guided visits are proposed to discover the temple and Sikhism religion during Heritage Days. If you are interested by cultural visits, check our guided walking tours of Paris.

Find a hotel in Bobigny or a hotel on line 5 to come to the Sikh procession in Bobigny.

The Vaisakhi of the Sikhs in Bobigny has been listed since 2017 on the National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage of France.

Gurdwara Singh Sabha France
16 rue de la Ferme

48.9108057 , 2.435852299999965
Getting there Getting there
TRAMWAY : TRAM T1 Escadrille Normandie-Niémen
TRAMWAY : TRAM T1 Libération
TRAMWAY : TRAM T1 Gaston Roulaud
Tram : T1, La Ferme
Gurdwara Singh Sabha France, 16 rue de la Ferme, 93000 BOBIGNY Dates when open Dates when open : From Sunday 13th April 2025 to Sunday 13th April 2025

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