The Centquatre-Paris has a new exhibition to discover with your family this summer: Graines, the exhibition! is an artistic and poetic opportunity to question the living and to contemplate the seeds (graines), at the origin of all of the plants.
Great travelers, seeds are at the origin of trees, fruits and vegetables, cereals. Through time, they have traveled from one country to another, from one continent to another and adapted themselves to new climates and new environmental conditions : the exhibition aims to give scientific and historical explanations of these living beings and on their travel stories.
The artists, Thierry Ardouin, Duy Anh Nhan Duc, Fabrice Hyber and Jade Tang, bring an artistic and poetic counterpoint: Thierry Ardouin photographs the seeds in order to show their diversity of forms, colors, but also the specificities of each seed family. Fabrice Hyber, a very committed artist, ambassador of the ONF-Agir pour la fôret (National Forestry Office of France), has created a gigantic landscape painting, inspired by his commitments and the exhibition. Two emerging artists also participated in the exhibition: Duy Anh Nhan Duc who made plant paintings, and Jade Tang who works on the excavations of Pantin and explains how a city is built.
The exhibition is based on different themes to highlight the life of plants, and to bring an ecological and humanistic statement.
Artistic direction : José-Manuel Gonçalvès and Nathalie Chapuis (Atelier EXB)
Scientific council: Gilles Clément and Emmanuelle Bouffé
There are many activities and things to do near the Centquatre-Paris, such as going to the Parc de la Villette or the Philharmonie des enfants.
Nature has a lot to offer, after the graines exhibition about plants and seeds head to the Philarmonie de Paris for the Musicanimale exhibition about animal's sounds and noises.