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Marche en 93 - 24,000 steps for 2024!

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Marche en 93 - 24 000 pas pour 2024 !

Stages of the walk ! This free walk is open to all. Bring water, good shoes and a picnic. Stay for the afternoon to discover the various sports activities on offer free of charge.

Discover the 2023 program:

AUDAX Endurance Walk - At 8 a.m. for either a 50 km or 25 km at 6 km km/h pace.
Registration required, €1.
1 loop of 25 km in the morning, 1 loop of 25 km in the afternoon.
AUDAX information: Registration by email: gpicot93@free.fr or come to the site 30 minutes before the start. 1€ to be paid on site.

Rando Challenge Découverte - From 9 am / 8 km to 12 km
Team walking rally. Use a map to find markers and answer questions on heritage, flora, fauna, history and observation.
Registration required. 15€ / team. (equipment: pencil and pen, string, compass, decimeter)
Information and registration for RANDO CHALLENGE at www.randopedestre93.fr

Discovery of the park's flora and fauna - departure at 9am / return around 11:30am.

Classic hike - departure at 9:30 am for 15 km / return around 3 pm.

Rando santé, Rando douce - departure at 10 am for 5 km / return around 11:30 am.

Nordic walking - departure at 10 am for 7 km (for experienced walkers).
Poles available on loan. Return around 11:30 am.

At 1pm / continuation of 50 km or 25 km loop / AUDAX Endurance Walk. On registration, 1€. (see information above)

At 2pm :

    Activities for children
    Introduction to Nordic Walking (poles available on loan) / Return around 4pm.
    Introduction to Bungy-Pump (poles available on loan) / Return around 4pm.
    Rando découverte et patrimoine - for 9 km / Return around 17h

Rando santé, Rando douce - departure at 2.15pm for 5 km / return around 4pm

Discovery of the park's flora and fauna - departure at 2:30 pm / return around 4 pm


Shuttles run between the base and the RER A station at Noisy/Champs.

2021 -  Stages of the walk

This itinerary makes you discover the different sites for the JOP 2024 – Paris Olympic Games, by going through parc de la Villette, Saint-Denis canal, Saint-Ouen, l'Île des Vannes, parc des sports de Marville, parc Georges Valbon and much more. This tour is perfect for an environmental and patrimonial discovery of Paris’s region.

  1. Start at Pantin City Hall and go to Canal de l’Ourcq direction Paris. 200m from Pantin’s swimming pool, continue onto quai de l'Ourcq, allée du Canal and Parc de la Villette. Follow direction Canal de Saint-Denis, you will be on Street Art Avenue, a view of urban art in Paris’s area. Once over the SNCF bridge, turn left onto Francis de Préssensé. From here it is possible to run 18km from RER B.
  2. Follow direction RER D train station, rue des Cheminots, rue du Landy, and then rue Émile Cordon up to Saint-Ouen City Hall.
  3. Take rue Albert Dhalenne, opposite the City Hall (It's possible to run 15km 500 from here), pass in front of the Château de Saint-Ouen which was listed "Historical Monument" in 1965. (WC available at the park entrance.)
  4. Cross over Saint-Ouen Bridge, turn left onto quai Chatelier Prolongé, and bypass the sports complex, the JOP site – site for Paris Olympic Games 2024. Turn right onto boulevard Marcel Paul, Saint-Ouen Bridge , rue du Landy, take rue Saint-Denis on the left. In the Vieux Saint-Ouen, pass in front of the church. Here you’ll find a great view point from the esplanade on the banks of the Seine. The olympic village will be set up on rue Ampère on your left. Site JOP 2024 – Paris Olympic Games. Pass in front of the Cité du Cinema, take the allée de Seine on the right to reach the Tour Pleyel – Pleyel Tower.
  5.  From Pleyel, (start here for a 13 km run), continue onto the Stade de France, Site JOP 2024 -Paris Olympic Games. Pay a particular attention to the road markings, be careful, there are several pedestrian crossings. Go over the mail de l'Ellipse in front of the Stade de France, cross over the footbridge and make your way to the Parc de la Légion d'Honneur. You can picnic here. (There are WC in the park.)

Caution, respect road signs on this part of the itinerary.

  1. Cross through Parc de la Légion d'Honneur on the left, exit and take rue Haguette opposite, turn right on rue de la Légion d'Honneur, turn left onto rue des Carmélites, right onto rue Gabriel Péri, and then, rue de la Boulangerie and rue du Cygne.
  2. Pass in front of the Musée d'Art et d'Histoire in the old quarters of Saint Denis to arrive in front of the City Hall and the Basilica, necropolis of the Kings of France.
  3. From the Basilica, (start here for a 10 km run), follow rue de Strasbourg, Bld Lénine and then la Levée de la Vieille Mer to arrive at Marville sports park. Site JOP 2024 – Site Paris Olympic Games 2024
  4. Go in to the park via the swimming pool entrance; go down the alley and turn left to arrive at the Montjoie entrance of Parc Georges-Valbon.
  5. From here, opposite the horse-riding centre, follow the markings for PR 5, pass by the waterfalls, the meadow, the Haricot pond, the pont des Iris (Bridge) and the belevedere to reach the village fair at the maison Glissant. Enjoy Festive and sportive activities with the Nordic walking challenge “Nordic 93”.
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Marche en 93 - 24 000 pas pour 2024 !
Parc du Sausset

48.95755560000001 , 2.5065456
Getting there Getting there
RER (Regional rapid transit) : RER B, Gare de Villepinte
Marche en 93 - 24 000 pas pour 2024 !, Parc du Sausset, 93600 AULNAY-SOUS-BOIS
Rates Gratuit 
Prix du Pass  : 1 €
marche endurance
Prix du Pass  : 15 €
par équipe - rando challenge
Site par ID-Alizés