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Permanent exhibition Bio-inspired at the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie

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Exposition permanente Bio-inspirée à la Cité des sciences et de l'industrie

With its new permanent space and its bio-lab, the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie explores the sources of education in the living world. Presented in the greenhouse, the exhibition Bio-inspirée, une autre approche bears witness to organisms that have developed know-how to protect themselves, adapt to their environment and resist change.

A sensory journey to explore living things

By exploring the living world through a sensory path, visitors discover the biomimicry approach, which aims to draw inspiration from the living world to imagine a more sustainable and harmonious world.

As soon as they enter, visitors move along a path of plants and sounds are triggered as they pass. All the senses are on alert. Once in the greenhouse (built by architect Dominique Perrault in 1997), the visitor discovers three eco-systems:

  • a coral reef and its macroalgal bioreactor ;
  • a mangrove ;
  • a forest floor and its permaculture garden.

Biomimetics allow us to imagine sustainable development models and bio-inspired solutions that the public discovers thanks to the fun and interactive devices at their disposal (games, quizzes, models, films, etc.).

A new mediation space

At the heart of the exhibition, the BioLab is an open space for discussion and experimentation on the environment and microscopic organisms.
Visitors are invited to question themselves, to observe... They are actors and contribute to participatory science projects to raise awareness of the challenges of the ecological transition.

Practical information

Exhibition in French, English and Spanish.
From 11 years old.

Buy your ticket online

Discover the Fragile exhibition where children will learn about creativity, fragility and agility.

Cité des sciences et de l'industrie
30 avenue Corentin Cariou

75019 PARIS
48.895602300000014 , 2.3879187962951764
Getting there Getting there
Bus : 139, 150, 152
Vélib' : 19008 - CORENTIN CARIOU
Vélib' : 19009 - CITE DES SCIENCES
Vélib' : 19011 - ROUVET DAMPIERRE
Vélib' : 19033 - CAMBRAI
Vélib' : 19115 - PORTE DE LA VILLETTE
Metro : Ligne 7, Porte de la Villette
Velib station : N° 19009 - 28 bis av. Corentin Cariou
Railway station : Pantin
Road : Périphérique, Porte de la Villette.
Tram : T3b
Vélib' : Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie (27m)
Vélib' : Porte de la Villette (33m)
Vélib' : Place Paul Delouvrier (45m)
Vélib' : Flandre - Alphonse Karr (45m)
Vélib' : Cambrai - Benjamin Constant (50m)
Cité des sciences et de l'industrie, 30 avenue Corentin Cariou, 75019 PARIS Dates when open Dates when open : From Friday 18th September 2020 to Tuesday 31st December 2024

Site par ID-Alizés