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The road to Dame-Claude in Gagny

This itinerary takes place in a charming village in Seine-Saint-Denis. It has managed to keep the  village spirit within the same community, where traditional detached houses make up most of the housing complex. Here you can find parks, lakes, ponds, an aqueduct and, dinosaurs statues, not forgetting the view point over Eastern Paris.

  1. From Gagny RER station turn left onto rue Clemenceau then right onto rue du 11 Novembre; right onto avenue Henri Barbusse; left onto rue des Collines; right onto  chemin des Bourdons until the entrance to Courbet park.
  2. Go into the park and walk around it from the right. Exit via the gate on the left on rue Bosquet. Take the road on the left then chemin de Bourdons on the right; avenue de Gagny and go straight on down boulevard du Midi; allée Notre-Dame des Anges until the start of the Dhuis aqueduct which leads to another walk.
  3. Follow the aqueduct and the aqueduct path until the carrefour des 7 iles.
  4. Take rue du 19 mars 1962 on the right, then avenue des Dahlias on the left ; avenue des Orchidées, avenue des Marguerites. Follow rue de Franceville on the right and then the path that goes alongside the arboretum that leads onto the plateau.
  5. Head towards the left leaving the forest park, bois de l’Étoile on your right.
  6. Take chemin de Montguichet on the right and rue Pablo Picasso on the left. Head down right towards the cul de sac and take the path that runs alongside the sports grounds. Pass between the houses and turn left onto rue du 18 Juin, rue Léon Blum, rue des Sablons. Take the footbridge to cross the railway line.
  7. Take the turn on the left keeping alongside the railway line via rue Laennec and then take quai de Chesnay on the right and follow it until the end.
  8. Follow successively the streets, Valenciennes, Corneille, Infroit, des Marronniers and then  Paul Vaillant Couturier, avenue de Chesnay, Maison Blanche and Racine.
  9. Go in to the park, Croissant Vert. Head straight on and cross the park to exit at the level of the D301. Take this D301 on the right to reach avenue de Bretagne and the park Maison Blanche.
  10. Go into the park and walk around the lake Maison Blanche. Exit via rue du Belvédère. Take avenue de Normandie, la Clairière, Picardie, Château, Saintonge , J.Segrettin and then Chemin de la Fossette.
  11. Turn left onto rue A.Briand (for safety reasons, cross these avenues using the pedestrian crossing 20 meters further on the right) then rue d’Avron. Reach Gagny RER station via rue de Maison Blanche.


Site par ID-Alizés