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Hiking track in Sausset park

The short rambling path (PR14) crosses the Sausset Park in Aulnay-Sous-Bois and Villepinte, located in the Northern Parisian region. It will take you 2h (about 4 miles) to take this path (yellow markings).

  1. When leaving Villepinte, take a right and enter the Sausset departmental park, follow the yellow markings to the water tower, take left towards the forest.
  2. Go right and take the path to join and cross the D402 (departmental road)
  3. Enter the Prés Carrées, follow the allée des Mélèzes, then on the right go to the parking lot Croix St Marc and take the Croix St Marc path.
  4. Get around the Marais by the left, pass by Maison du Parc to get to the Etang de Savigny.
  5. Get around the Etang de Savigny by the right, pass by Jardin des Amériques.
  6. Take the stairway on your right to reach the belvedere, then follow allée de la Tour Eiffel on your left, cross the Observatoire getaway to get to the Bocage.
  7. After turning on your right and immediately on your left take the Chemin de la Couture Hersan, then take Chemin des Croix Blanches on your left, take Chemin de la Patte d’Oie on your left, cross Ru du Sausset then take Chemin du Levant on your right and take the left entrance. Once you are in Les Petits Champs, walk to Chemin des Verges on your right, and continue on the right to reach the Bocage entrance. Restrooms are located at the entrance of Chemin des Vergers.
  8. Cross the parking des Erables (parking lot), go North in direction of the vineyard. Once you arrived, turn left and follow yellow markings to reach D402.
  9. Head towards the bridge on the right to get to the RER train station in Villepinte and the parking lot (10).

Other possible hiking trails: Georges Valbon Park in La Courneuve, Le Raincy.

Site par ID-Alizés