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Metamorphoses exhibition at the Cité des Sciences et de l'industrie

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Exposition Métamorphoses à La Cité des Sciences et de l'industrie

A new exhibition to discover with your family is taking place at the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie, until January 2024: Metamorphoses.

Metamorphoses are all around us in nature: from caterpillar to butterfly, from young Narcissus to flower, from seed to plant, from corn to popcorn, from water to ice. Living things are transformed, including us.

The exhibition offers children from 2 to 12 years old and their companions to explore these fascinating phenomena and the scientific dimension, extraordinary. On the program: observation of animals, games, interactive and immersive multimedia devices, but also various experiments.

Metamorphoses is organized in five spaces:

  • The wonderful forest
  • My beautiful mirror
  • The world of shadows
  • A thousand and one glances
  • The fairground

The scenography plunges the visitors into a singular immersive universe. The exhibition's itinerary is free and intuitive, inviting children to move from one universe to another according to their desires.

During your visit to the Cité des Sciences, don't miss the other temporary exhibitions: Crowds, Industrial Evolutions... The Cité des enfants offers scientific discovery activities for all ages.

Ticket for the Metamorphosis exhibition at the Cité des Sciences

Cité des sciences et de l'industrie
30 avenue Corentin Cariou

75019 PARIS
48.8950353 , 2.3869887
Getting there Getting there
Bus : 139, 150, 152
Vélib' : 19008 - CORENTIN CARIOU
Vélib' : 19009 - CITE DES SCIENCES
Vélib' : 19011 - ROUVET DAMPIERRE
Vélib' : 19033 - CAMBRAI
Vélib' : 19115 - PORTE DE LA VILLETTE
Metro : Ligne 7, Porte de la Villette
Velib station : N° 19009 - 28 bis av. Corentin Cariou
Railway station : Pantin
Road : Périphérique, Porte de la Villette.
Tram : T3b
Cité des sciences et de l'industrie, 30 avenue Corentin Cariou, 75019 PARIS Dates when open Dates when open : From Tuesday 4th April 2023 to Sunday 24th November 2024

Rates Tarif de base - Adulte plein tarif  : 13 €
Tarif réduit  : 10 €
Abonnés Pass, demandeurs d'emploi ou bénéficiaires de minima sociaux, Réfugiés e
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