Industrial furniture at the Saint-Ouen flea markets

Hosiery furniture (DR)Industrial design furniture is thriving and more and more individuals and professionals (bars, restaurants) roam through flea markets in search of industrial furniture to give a loft aspect to their home or business premises. In Paris, you can find many dealers and specialised stalls on this theme in the Saint-Ouen flea markets. Several boutiques situated in the different markets at Paris Porte de Clignancourt also propose industrial furniture, whether it be old, modern, design, vintage, metal or second-hand. If you live in the Paris region or around and need to repair an old piece of industrial furniture, think of going to the flea market. If you have any questions about restoration or want to know more about industrial furniture trends, do not hesitate to dialogue with the stall-holders. They are genuine enthusiasts on the subject and will give you all the precious information you need on kitchen furniture, industrial desks and many more objects or specific utensils that might interest you.

You will find below a list of addresses that propose industrial furniture but don't hesitate to spend a time at the Flea markets to find other dealers.

Industrial equipment on rue des Rosiers

You can start your research of industrial furniture in the Vernaison flea market and more precisely at stalls Perrigne (allée 1, stall 19) and Jour De Broc (allée 8, stall 193) to discover numerous vintage objects : wood and metal industrial dressers, metal lamps from the 1950s, industrial coffee tables made of riveted steel, dentists furniture, etc. Then you can cross over rue des Rosiers and go into Dauphine market hall where you can find several boutiques specialised in 20th century industrial design.

Crafting materials at Dauphine

Mes Découvertes : this rather large boutique situated at stalls136-138 (and also stalls119-120 further up and N° 100 inside Dauphine market) exhibits numerous pieces of business furniture, an old shop window display, industrial units, safes, metal drawers and several filing cabinets, furniture from workshops and artisans (hosiery, grocery, barbers, hardware, seamstress and many more). You will also find several curiosity objects.

Delphine and Sylvie welcome you in their boutique Objets en transit (Stall 80, 81, 122 and 123) on the theme of Industrial Design and club chairs. You can find standing and coffee tables in this part of the indoor market, chairs, stools and other industrial objects. You can also get industrial furniture at other dealers at Dauphine market such as Didier Gomez and Olivier Chétif (OD Paris, stall 3), Olivier de Kersaintgilly first floor, stall 185 at William Oury (stall 17 and 18) and stall 67 Christophe Zaragoza, Passé inoxydable.

Do not leave Dauphine before looking around La Salle des coffres (stalls 124-126). Jean-Paul Jurquet, antique dealer by profession, exhibits many objects in his gallery that used to belong to the banque de France (architecture enthusiasts can admire the former banque de France in Saint-Ouen on avenue de la République). In this stall you can find safes, sorting tables, desks and other pieces charged with history.

The essentials at Paul Bert Serpette

Exit Dauphine market by rue des Rosiers and go into Paul Bert Serpette market to continue your bargain hunting. Gilles Oudin, Allée 7, stall 405 Paul Bert is an invaluable resource for all that concerns industrial furniture. This pioneer in industrial furniture opened his stall on creation of Serpette market in 1977 and is the author of the book Le mobilier industriel.

Gabriel Aoun and Adrien de Liedekerke (allée 1, stalls 37 and 39, Paul Bert) restore furniture they find: light fixtures, portable lamps, wall lights, chairs and various accessories, sign letters, coat stands, lockers, etc. Further up on allée 4, Gabriel Bousquet (stall 154) for a long time collected scrap metal objects in his garage. He set up in Paul Bert in 2013 where he proposes 20th century industrial and deco furniture and objects.

This list is not exhaustive, do not hesitate to get lost in the different Paris Clignancourt Flea markets (for example BironAnticaJules Vallès) to make even more discoveries. Check out our pages devoted to old and contemporary furniture, ancient clocks and watches and lights in the Flea markets.

See also : factory tours in Paris region.

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