What to do near Paris on Sundays?

What to do in Paris and the region of Paris on a Sunday? We offer a selection of outings and activities to do in Seine Saint Denis and the North East of Paris: museums, nature walks, strolling through the Flea market… The choice is all yours!

Museums open on Sundays !

Air & Space MuseumAir & Space Museum Several museums in Seine-Saint-Denis are open on Sundays! And there is something for everyone! You can opt for a cultural outing and visit the museum of l'Histoire vivante at Montreuil or choose to complete your technical knowledge by visiting the musée de la poudrerie at Sevran. Air and Space museum at Bourget is open for a visit to the heart of aeronautics with a collection of over 350 aircraft!

Croisière du Vieux Paris sur le Canal Saint-Martin
Croisière du Vieux Paris sur le Canal Saint-Martin
Sunday 16th March 2025 (and 30 other dates)

Through 300 years of history of homosexuals
Through 300 years of history of homosexuals
Sunday 25th May 2025 (and 1 other date)

Browse through this list of all museums in the north east of Paris, if you are looking for more thematic ideas to spend your Sunday!

Wander around the markets

Flea market near porte de ClignancourtIf you are looking for the atmosphere of the French markets, visit the largest food market in Ile de France at Saint-Denis. Open on Sunday mornings from seven thirty to one twenty, this market is worth the extra miles for its diversity and variety of products that you will find there, a people’s market.

In a radically different style, you can opt for a walk in the famous Paris flea market in Saint Ouen-Clignancourt to try to find that gem at the right price among the antique shops and low cost stores : records shops, vintage toys, posters, fashion, Art Deco... Many restaurants located around the flea market are worth stopping at for lunch to enjoy the special flea market atmosphere that is so particular to them.

Most of the big shopping malls are open every Sunday, commercials centers such as: Usine Center, Domus, Aéroville... Most of them include a cinema onsite, so why not combine cinema, restaurant and shopping?

Family outings, walking tours or sports activities on Sundays

Make Ourcq canalan outing with families or friends or just choose a chlorophyll-filled day out in the park located in Seine-Saint-Denis such as Parc de la Courneuve or Sausset. You can also opt for a walking tour along canal de l'Ourcq or canal Saint-Denis on foot or on your bike (on bicycle or walking track).

On Sunday afternoons, the equestrian centers such as Centre Équestre La Villette often propose, for a few euros, short pony walks for small children. And why not go roller-blading, or attend a free movie in summer in the park; or enjoy indoor or outdoor climbing with friends and families on climbing walls, most of them are open on Sundays.

The park and golf spaces in Parc de la Poudrerie are open on Sunday afternoons for a golf discovery session.

Browse the list of parks and canals in the north east of Paris.

More activities for the rest of the week

You are looking for something to do RIGHT now ? check our "what's on in Paris today" page to get outing ideas. If the day is almost over you can also check our "what to do tomorrow in Paris" page to plan your day ahead.

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